Sweet Potato Gnocchi


Sweet Potatoes

Salt Pepper



Egg Yolk



Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F.  Prick the sweet potatoes with a fork. Bake them until they are soft in the middle, about 1 hour.

When the potatoes are cool enough to handle, scoop out the flesh and run it through a food mill or potato ricer.

In a large bowl, combine the sweet potatoes, ricotta, egg yolk, Parmesan, salt, pepper and 1 cup flour.

Stir everything together. Continue adding flour in small amounts as needed until a soft dough forms.

Roll the dough into a rope. Cut it into 1-inch pieces. Then roll them down the back of a fork. Repeat with the remaining dough.

Put the gnocchi on a flour dusted sheet pan as you roll them.

To make the brown butter sauce, melt the butter over medium heat. It will become foamy and then you will see brown specs. Gently swirl the butter in the pan. It will keep browning and smell nutty.

Fry the sage in brown butter. Use tongs to remove the leaves from the pan. Then take the butter off the heat.  While you do this, bring a large pot of salted water to a boil for the gnocchi.

Cook the gnocchi in batches. It will float to the top when it is ready. It cooks in 2-3 minutes.

Put the brown butter back on the heat. Add the gnocchi. Give it a few minutes to brown at the edges.

Top the gnocchi with crispy sage and Parmesan before serving.

Sweet Potato Gnocchi